Problem with CHT simulation

Good evening at all,

i’m trying to make a CHT simulation of a liquid cooled electrict motor. I make two domains: one cylindric volume that represent the motor and one fluid volume that represent liquid volume of the cooling jacket.

My goals are the evaluation of head losses and the thermal power dissipated by the motor.
To simulate the thermal power dissipated by the motor i create a wall boundary with an external wall heat flux but when i try to start the simulation this error appear:

" Found a boundary condition with faces that do not belong to the mesh: face6158@Vol_fluido_cam_lab…, face27@Motore-1-solid1, face2024@Vol_fluido_cam_lab…. This may happen if the faces belong to a cell zone. Please remove these faces from boundary conditions."

What can i do to improve the simulation and to reapair this error?

The link of the project:

Hi there, and welcome to the forum!

I think that the problem is created because you assigned a power source to the cylinder and also the wall boundary condition to the external face of the same part. You should do one or the other.