Pressure line in residual plots

I’ve run my project about HVAC and I have some question about convergence plots. Pressure line in residuals plot has never go down lower than this (in the picture) although I run many conditions.

Can anyone tell me what I should do.
Thank you so much!

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Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Can you share your project link? Thank you!


here is project link:

thank you!

Hi there,
I apologize for the delay in response. As you have not defined the any pressure boundary condition with a specific value, the pressure residual is constant. The slight changes in the pressure residual could be the ‘numeric noise’ as the solver is still trying to solve the equation. The solution seems to have converged.
10k iterations is a lot and that will consume more core hours than necessary. I recommend you to reduce your end time as well.


even if the velocity plot doesn’t go down to 10^-3 either, it still seems to converge, is that right?

Yes, that’s right. However, Residuals aren’t the be all end all of finding convergence, it’s just an easy way for the program to measure convergence. A solution will hit convergence (numerically) when it hits all of the residual check values. But that doesn’t mean the solution is correct as you may have made an error in one of the boundary settings.
So I advise you to check your results in the post-processor along with the residuals.