Post processing troubleshooting - Streamlines don't follow through

Hello everyone!

I’ve been trying to do some streamline post-processing for my Design Effects in a Radial Pump Impeller project, however the streamlines don’t follow all the way to the outlet. Is there a problem with the simulation itself?
Thank you in advance.

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Hi Fillia!

Nice to see you back! I will quickly ask our PP guy if this is a bug :slight_smile: Getting back to you asap!



Hey Fillia!

It is an issue with the length of the streamlines and we will look more into that soon. You can try to add seed points inside the domain and trace in both directions.

Let me know if that workaround works for you!


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Thanks for the fast reply! My concern is that I face the same in Paraview as well, where I add a really big streamline length, but still doesn’t go all the way, just so you know

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