Pitch moment coefficient

Hello, what parameters should we consider when we are calculating the moment coefficient?
Also, is it possible for me to calculate relative wind angle, side force coefficient and its vector if I apply airflow from a certain angle with the car’s direction?

Hey @SMformula welcome to the forum!

First off, its always better to post your project link so other users can see what your working on. I am assuming from the username that your working on a FSAE car, so for your question its not needed, just a heads up for next time.

For a forces and moments calculation in the results control - they are all kind of important.

  • Center of rotation - this is best placed at your center of gravity
  • Lift, drag, pitch - should have the correct direction for correct results
  • free stream velocity - should match your inlet velocity, so dont forget to change this if you simulate different speeds
  • reference length - the length of your model
  • reference area value - this one is more important and should be the frontal area of your racecar. This can be found by making a Silhouette sketch from the front view of your car in CAD, then extrude the sketch and record the area.

Thats pretty much it, let me know if you have any other questions


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