Painting booth (fume exhaust)

Hello, I am trying to simulate a paint booth (fume exhaust system).

It is basically an output fan attached to a box with an opening on one of the sides of the box. For the opening (which is almost the size of the side), I am choosing pressure value of 1 atm (101325 Pa). Though, I have seen other people’s simulations where they choose 0 Pa pressure for openings.

The problem is that in the simulation result, it seems as if the air was going inside the box only through a small portion of the hole and not the entire hole (simulation link down below). I wonder if this is an accurate simulation or my boundary conditions are wrong.

Thank you before hand for the help.

Used same flow volume for input opening and output fan to satisfy continuity.
The results now are much closer to what I expected.
Although, I still wonder why it does not work when using 1atm for input pressure.
Maybe because it is not in equilibrium when the simulation starts…?

Improved simulation:

Hey, @gdelgado

When you set up inlet and outlet boundary conditions, the algorithm will adjust the flow field in a way to satisfy the BCs specified by you.
Depending on how you set up your BCs, you can end up overconstraining your model and continuity simply can’t be satisfied.

Have a look at some inlet/outlet combinations that are known to work well for most problems.