Need Help With My Mesh

My mesh is failing around a sliver face. I have tried changing the small feature suppression, but I cannot make it any larger than .003 because it ignores too many faces. Is there anything else I can do to get the mesh to ignore the sliver face? Any help would be great thanks!

Here is the model.

Hi! I can’t open the linked project, but is cleaning up the sliver face in a CAD software a possibility? It is the most robust option, as it solves the root cause of the issue.


My bad about the not being able to view it I will make the project public. I cannot change the CAD I have tried many times to fix the issue in CAD and it does not fix. So I am not sure what to do.

There are quite a lot of these thin faces everywhere around the chassis. The standard tool is a bottom-up meshing tool, which creates a surface mesh before expanding to a volumetric mesh. For that reason, it might not be the best option for very dirty CAD models.

Have you already tried the hex meshing tool instead?

I do not like using hex mesh because I have very thin gaps in places on my model and it often jumps over those. Also it often takes a lot longer and uses lots of core hours.