Modelling a datacenter

Hi, I need to model a datacenter trought CFD.
Tha main purpose is to simulate the function of the datacenter though a year of usage, extracting temperature and air flow data.
I have typical profile of usage and the nominal power in each rack by the servers.
The question is: can i simulate it in SimScale, adding using profiles and also indicate the power of each rack, obviously providing a formula which take into account the heating dissipated by servers to the temperature reached?

Thank you.

Hi there, and thanks for using the forum!

A typical CFD model of a data center includes the dissipated power and flow conditions (flowrates, inlet air temperature), and a measurement of the temperature distributions as a result of the simulations.

You would be modelling at operating, steady-state conditions of power and flow, because transient, varying temperatures are very costly to simulate (very long runtime, huge result files). If you need to correlate the dissipated power as a function of the temperature, then you will need to iterate on the simulation until you achieve the desired conditions.

All of this is possible to do in SimScale.

Ok thank you.
But in transient it is not possible right? Only in steady-state conditions?


Transient is possible, but never recommended.

Hi @famarilli ,
Thanks for your detailed request. I can add a few more pointers on top of what @ggiraldof mentioned above.
In the context of modeling a Data center, I would highly recommend watching this webinar on " Design, Simulate & Optimize Airflow Thermal Management Solutions - Data Centers"
This would answer your questions about setting rack server powers.

Time stamp: 18:43

Currently the power source definition can be controlled using a table input w.r.t the number of iterations (steady state) or w.r.t Time (Transient). But a formula definition is not yet available. Please feel free to add your feature request to our Open Roadmap for development.

With regards,