Meshing Stuck At 70%


I am doing an incompressible simulation around an airplane wing. When I started to compute the mesh, the program did it relatively fast, but once it reached 70%, it has been stuck there for some time.

Could it be due to the fineness of the mesh? It also doesn’t let me cancel the simulation, and says this:

Here’s the link to my project:

Would appreciate assistance,

Hi @Soapy,

I see that your mesh has been successfully finished. Please let us know if you have any further questions.


I managed to fix the meshing issue by letting it fail and turn down the fineness of the mesh. Though, I have a question: Are the graphs supposed to look like this or did I do something wrong:

Hi again @Soapy,

Once your inlet is in the x direction, please replace it in the table of the boundary condition:

I replaced the values from the y axis to the x axis and run the simulation again, but I get the same wierd graph again?


Are you sure about having 1 m/s in x direction and 115 m/s in z direction? Just to confirm, because it doesn’t looks coherent for wings at all.


Hi, Sorry for the late reply,

I have changed to original values from 1m/s (x) and 115 m/s (z) to 10m/s (x) and -1 m/s (z) for in the velocity inlet settings:

I ran the simulation again, and unsurprisingly gave me another weird-looking graph:

In the post proccess results, the velocity x doesn’t seem to be interacting with the wing at all? Maybe I did something wrong regarding boundary conditions?


Hi @Soapy,

As your lift direction is in the positive z sense, is there any reason for you setting it as a negative value in the velocity inlet boundary condition?

The second point is the fluid domain. It seems that this surface below is making the mesh poor in that region. Please delete this surface and proceed with a new mesh.

After all those improvements, please change the pressure outlet boundary condition to 0, once there is no pressure changing from the initial conditions.
Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 10.02.09
