
Hi there all,
I am relatively knew to SimScale and I have got stuck, and can’t move on without our help. I am making a project where I want to determine air temperature of air layer just beyond the lake. I am doing all this in order to have exact temperature distribution on Z axis, so I can use it in the thermal calculations of solar panel placed just beyond the lake. Anyone having idea what type of analysis I should do, or any idea that can be helpful to this topic?
Thanks very much in advance

Nice project idea there!

I would have to think about that, the natural one popping into my head is multiphase but I would actually have to check if the scenario you described would fit here.



Dear Jousefm,
Thank you very much for your reply. I have to agree that it has to be multiphase simulation. I already made CAD solar module, so that shouldn’t be a problem. I have to make some assumptions here, for example I would take medium sized lake (circle 400 m diameter). Height of the layer in question is about 50m and temperatures of the lake is 5C and of the air outside this layer is 20C. I have to take in account radiation of solar panel so that’s why I need this temp distribution (you have already figured that out). Please share whatever idea you have. I am enormously thankful to you for your help!

Dear Jousefm,
Have you figured smth maybe?
Thanks in advance

Hi @jokicstevan123!

So the multiphase module available is isothermal but we need to make sure that the physics of humidity effects and the lake subjected to solar heat are taken into account which is not that trivial imho. What you could do is to work with a convective heat transfer analysis.



Hi Jousefm,
Thanks for your reply!
So, If I understood you correctly, I can’t perform multiphase analysis with temperature distribution ( first I calculate the temperature distribution beyond the lake in one simulation and then solar panel gets in play with that distribution, so I can calculate radiation of top and bottom of the solar panel) ? Thanks again for reply.

Exactly, everything will be at one temperature. Convective Heat Transfer can work though (in terms of temp. distribution)!



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Thanks again, Jousefm!

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Dear Jousefm,
Sorry for being humdrum,
Do you maybe have an example of this type of project (heat transfer btw two fluids)?
Thank you very much!

No worries, that’s why we have the forum :wink:

I cannot recall a project I have worked with in the past that would match this specific application type but I forwarded this question to my colleagues, maybe they can help here. Will keep you posted! :+1:


King Regards and Thanks Jousefm!