Issues with Simulation results


I am trying to run a CFD simulation on an F1S car. The simulation run ran successfully and the results I have gotten are anomalous to an extent.

Screenshots of the drag plot and moment coefficient here:

Drag is coming out at around 0.06

Moment is coming out at around -0.4

Are there any issues with my project overall?

Thank you for your help!


Hi Manomay!

Both the Velocity Inlet and Moving wall input should be changed, because according to your orientation cube, the flow travels towards the negative y-direction:

Best regards,

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So the velocity would have to become -20 m/s?

and I would have to recreate the mesh and then rerun the simulation?


The issue has not been fixed. The values are now in negative.

Example showing the drag coefficient value

EDIT: Is this supposed to be the case? I switched the velocity to -20 on Y axis, so are the numbers I am getting correct? Or is there another issue?

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It depends on the orientation that you define under the forces and moments coefficients result control. Since the drag direction is inverted, the coefficient will also be inverted.

In this case you can just multiply the coefficient that you obtained by -1 and it should be good :slight_smile:

Of course, for the following runs, it would be optimal to have the correct drag unit direction.



Ahh, I see. A rookie error on my part again.

I will try to not to repeat this one :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the help Ricardo and Filia!

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