Issues with post process results

I don’t know what went wrong with my simulation, there are a few things I needed like the actual data, the pressure exerted on the mesh was far more than I wanted, and the simulation itself caused the mesh to go through itself. The mesh log appears to be fine so I don’t know what went wrong.

Here is what it is doing, I don’t even know how this is happening


When this happens, it is usually related to issues with material properties, boundary conditions (e.g. wrong units somewhere) or overconstrained models.

I see that you’re using a hyperelastic material in this project. Where did the properties come from? For testing purposes, have you already tried using a linear elastic material, just to make things simpler?


Thank you for the response,

My hyper elastic material was my other attempt because initially I did a linear analysis, and the issue occurred, so i switched to a non-linear and now I still have issues. I am using a composite material I came up with the would mimic the heart so that is why I changed it to hyperplastic. I have try to fix the mesh but I am still struggling and have been to hit a plateau.

There are quite a handful of runs in the project but the first one I saw with linear elastic materials had a Young’s modulus of 1e6 Pa (which is fairly small) and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.47 (i.e. close to incompressibility). I know this is some sort of tissue that you’re working with, but these properties are similar to what you’d have for very soft rubbers.

If the load is a bit large you’d get massive deformation, which is likely what is happening.

If you run a simple tension test, having a simple cylinder with a support on one end and a force on the other with similar material properties, you will see how it deforms a lot.


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