Invalid model

I need help. I tried to set internal flow volume on my cad but invalid model come up. Can someone help me

Hi @mshaipul_anuar,

Thanks for posting your question! And also sorry for the delay.
I saw some issues in your CAD model but I have fixed that and now it is working well. Here you’ll find the project link where you can directly make a copy and do your own improvements with your own setup: run on - Copy | Other | SimScale



Thank you for your help and I really appreciate it. If you don’t mind can you explain what is the issues with the CAD model. Moreover I have encounter new problem.

Using run on - Copy | Other | SimScale model I tried to set internal flow volume but It came up like this.

According to this post the the model needs to be hollow for flow region and my CAD has fulfilled that. So, what I should do

Hi @mshaipul_anuar,

This above is valid when you have an original CAD file for the part, but in your case you have downloaded the fluid domain almost ready for simulation. The only thing that was needed was to merge it all together, as it was divided in 4 pieces, and that’s what I did :slight_smile:
