Import Openfoam mesh


i have openfoam mesh in files like on screen shot

I put all of those files in this directory along with file “transportproperties” to zip and uploaded. Everything seems fine only my mesh is not in project :smiley:
Can you help me out please ?

Hi @Novak_Ondrej!

Have you done the following steps?

  1. Zip the entire “constant” folder

  2. Upload it using “Upload mesh” option with type as “OpenFOAM” selected.



Great ! it worked very well.

but i m getting this error

domain is only interior mesh around part of wing … what should i do with rest ?

As it seems, simscale ready 3 zones … i need only the first one ( or so i think ) … so please, how can i remove it ?

Hi @Novak_Ondrej!

Just for understanding, why did you not mesh it on SimScale directly?



my mesh uploaded from open foam (exported from ICEM) is simple single region mesh

however when i upload to simscale it creates 3 regions to whcih i have to assign BC and that makes simulation fail

what can be done about that please ?

I tryed. simulation ran for few hours than failed :smiley: but its no good for me anyway. Best option for me is to mesh it in ansys where i have so much more options for meshing ( i have to use tetrahedral mesh).

Only problem is that i get imported 3 zones … i tryed very simple geometry like a box and it did the same so there must be an issue with import

I have used ICEM before but not coupling it with SimScale so far so I would have to dig a bit deeper into this. Also I see that the mesh consists of polyhedrals, I would have to check if the solver has issues with these kinds of elements. Will let you know more about it as soon as possible.



Sorted ! :smiley: it seems that “Fluent3DmeshtoFoam” creates 3 zones … but “fluentmeshtofoam” creates only one which is perfectly fine for simscale … already tested and works fine so thanks for help :slight_smile:

Just was looking at fluentmeshtofoam :smiley: Please let me know if the simulation runs smoothly!



Well residuals in beginning oscilate and than they settle down and converge nicely :slight_smile:

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Yay!! :slight_smile: :tada:

Let us see how the results look like - very curious about that!



When I try uploading the mesh it shows me this error