Import DEM data?


I am wondering how one would import topographic data, such as a point cloud (e.g. xyz) to simscale?

Hi @rockb78!

I have found one solution so far: Create a Grid Surface From a DEM - Power users, any other ideas here?



Hi @rockb78,

It is not possible to import the data directly to SimScale, as it is not a CAD or surfacing tool.

Please refer to your CAD/surfacing program documentation on the option to import point cloud data and turn it into a suitable model, then how to export it to any of the compatible interchange formats for SimScale, such as:

  • STEP
  • IGES
  • STL

Thanks guys, I don’t use CAD anymore so I was hoping for a workaround. I’ll keep looking…

Hola hola! :slight_smile:

A while ago I read how to import from googlearth. Maybe you may be interested in this Application and example.
It is also necessary in some works post-processing point cloud scans (from a drone) and you may be interested in this other link XTract3D: 3D Reverse Engineering from STL (Scan to CAD) inside SOLIDWORKS - YouTube

I have been with a lot of work, when I have time I can share a model and simulation as an example to simscale step by step :slight_smile:


I complement the post with a piece of land that I got with the app