High non-Orthogonality at meshing airplane

Hello everyone,
I am working on a CFD analysis of a blended wing body aircraft. All parameters as aspect ratio, volume ratio, etc are so good, less non-Orthogonality, which is worst. It is equal to 81.77. I applied a local size element at wing, 0.05. Although,apperantly, the mesh apperantly is good at geometry, exist some imperfections at trailing edge of whole airplane:

Could I decrease the non-Orthogonality without decrease the local siz? Since I have done before, applying a local size equal to 0.01, and the core hours goes to 225 min, and run out the time before finishing the meshing.

Hi there, I hope you are well!

I remember this project and the faulty meshing at the trailing edges, however, could you also add the link to the project please?

Best regards,

Yes, I improved the mesh with your advices:the aspect ratio, volume ratio, etc, but I continue with two important issues: One of them is the geometry, it seems a saw on trailing edge and the non-Orthogonality is above 75.
This the link:https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=6804772120795526757&mi=spec%3A2cfba8f6-fd63-45e2-843f-67c3fd045697%2Cservice%3ASIMULATION%2Cstrategy%3A66

My advice here would be to improve the refinements. For example, look how big the maximum element size is compared to the characteristics of the trailing edge:

What you can do here is to create a cartesian box that contains the problematic area, and add a region refinement with a very small “maximum edge length”, so the mesh is created properly. Go smaller than 0.05 on this trailing edge, otherwise it will not really help :slight_smile:
Have a look at the different refinement options here:

Best regards,