Help with parametric study

Good morning everyone, for my thesis project I need to make optimizations regarding ventilation in classrooms.
At this stage of the project I would like to see how the CO2 inside my room changes as the incoming air flow rate changes.
To speed this up instead of running several simulations with different inlet flow rate values I thought of starting a “parametric study”. I read the documentation on the site about how this type of analysis works.

In my bounday condition called “ingresso 1” and “ingresso 2” I have my two airflow rates entering the domain. I don’t get the option to do a parametric analysis, though.
Is there something I am doing wrong?
At first I thought since I have two different inputs it is not possible to do it, so I tried with only one input but still I can’t start it.
Does anyone know how to help me. thanks

Hello @s289286 ,

This case is interesting, I can’t really think of any reasons why the parametric studies would not be available to you. Is it possible that you share your project? I’ll discuss this with another colleague of mine in the mean time.


Thanks for the quick response.
Sure, i forgot to share the project.

Hello again @s289286 ,

Turns out this feature was not yet available in your account, and we just enabled it for you. Please wait a few minutes and refresh the page, then the parametric option should be available in your boundary condition settings. Please let us know if you face any unusual behaviour.

Hope this is helpful,

Thank you so much