Geometric issue

I’d like to consult/solve a geometric issue occurin to my 3d model of a skier. The description o this problem is te following:

Bad edge order

The order of the edges around a vertex is not correct. Calling topology optimization functions can resolve this fault.


Link to my project:


Hey there!

I am sorry your link doesn’t work for me, does the project still exist?

Oops, here’s the original one If it’s mistaken once again tell me please. SimScale

Need help to solve self intersecting facets.

Hello @jguillamet,

Very complex stl geometries can be a little tricky for the OpenFOAM solvers, because the stl file needs to be fully solid (i.e. a closed polysurface, watertight geometry). The current model has a handful of self intersections, and consists exclusively of sheet parts (so the geometry is completely not watertight):

Fixing stls is actually quite challenging - the task is easier to be done with the software that was used to design it AND by the person who designed it. This page might give you some more insights.


Thanks for your help! I’ll try to see how can I fix my problem. If not I’ll ask again.