General mesh enquiry

Hi there,

I have been iterating through refining my mesh and now have successfully applied inflation layers (after receiving help).

I just wanted to know would the following images imply a bad inflation and lead to inaccuracies when measuring the y+ on the building surface? I will show two pictures so it can be understood where the problem is.


I would say, try to run the simulation and measure the y+ values.

For a more expert, before-hand assessment of the mesh, I would welcome review from other users.

Hi @ggiraldof,

I ran the simulation and got the following, I have changed the scale in the images to show to y+ values in a clear way.

As shown in the images the y+ are still to far out, so back to the drawing board. Could you or anyone suggest possible routes to take to improve the values?

I can not open your link to check the y+ values and boundary conditions, is it private?

Hi @ggiraldof I thought i had changed it to public, I forgot to update it. Sorry for that.

Your y+ value is above the range for wall function (30 - 300), on the floor and on the building:

Please review your calculations if you still want to create the layers manually, but I would suggest you to try out the automatic boundary layers option, or the Standard mesh algorithm.

Hi @ggiraldof

Are you suggesting to remove the region refinements and simply apply a the standard meshing or keep the region refinements with standard meshing?