Forgot to assign force and moment coefficients

I am doing a project on aerodynamic analysis of non-pneumatic tires in which I need to obtain the lift and drag coefficients. However, I forgot to assign the force and moment coefficients to the Result control and now I do not know how to obtain the lift and drag coefficients since my simulation is already complete. I just want to know if I should run the simulation again to obtain the lift and drag coefficients? (I have assigned the force and moment coefficients after the simulation run was completed)
LINK to the project:

Hi there :slight_smile:

If you added the Forces and Moments calculation after the simulation was completed, you will have to rerun it in order to extract the results.

Alternatively, you can download the case and use an external tool, like Paraview, so you can integrate the pressure and viscous forces on the body :smiley:

Best regards,

ok thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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