FAQs on Drone Simulation


This class is free and if you have a free account you get unlimited use of the software for the length of the class.

I am a paid user with about 500 core hours left and one run of the first part of homework 1 took almost 20 core hours. I can see this class using most of the core hours I have left. Are the hours I use in this class coming out of the hours I purchased or will I be credited back the hours I using for this workshop?


Hi Christopher,

your account should be updated to 1000 core hours. When did you register for the workshop? If there are still any problems please send me an email (mmafi@simscale.com)



Hi @Milad_Mafi ,

am I allowed to run multiple simulations simultaneously? Like running 525,1050, 1575 and 2100 rad/s at the same time.
Just curious. Did not try it so far but just wanted to know for later on.



Jousef my Friend :slight_smile:

For sure you are allowed to run multiple simulations simultaneously! That’s by the way one of the big benefits of using SimScale. Unlimited computing ressourced whenever you need them :smile:

Have a nice weekend!



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Thank you @Milad_Mafi :smile:

Tried it 2 hours ago. Awesome feature!

Have a nice weekend too!



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Hi @nikuradse ,

refering to your post u did about your forces (https://www.simscale.com/forum/t/step-by-step-tutorial-homework-of-session-1-level-1/297/2) I will show you my results.

P.S.: Maybe you can share your link with the community then I will have a look at it.

Cheers mate!

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Are there any experimental results available for validating the results we are getting through this simulation?

Hello Gurav,

not for this case but we made a lot of validation projects in the past.

My colleague @Ali_Arafat made for example a simulation of a valve with the same solver (OpenFOAM) which was validated with experimental results. It is really amazing:




While doing task 2 meshing, I am getting messages in event log like - “Illegal triangles were found…”, “The tesselated surface is not closed…”
Will this affect the mesh quality?

Hey @gurav_harsh ,

did you try meshing it a second time? Because I did not get any errors while meshing. Maybe give it another try and see what it does.

Good luck!


Hi @jousefm

Here’s the public link to that project: https://platform.simscale.com/?publiclink=b30ef4be-6014-4481-88b3-c64fd57ee87d

It has three simulations as I thought that it may vary with the iteration but it didn’t.

I have just read from @Milad_Mafi that it may be an issue with the boundary conditions so i’ll check them out again and the whole thing as well.

Thanks a lot for the help!


Hey Gurav,

don’t care about this event log. As long as you are uploading a STEP/IGES file the tessellated surface should be fine.



Having error while adding boundary conditions.


could you clear your web browser’s cache and try again? The error should then disappear!


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Is it ok to stop the simulation process once we reach satisfying parameter convergence (in order to reduce core usage)? Thanks

Yes, that’s perfectly fine. This is also the reason why you should keep an eye on your simulation and don’t leave it on its own. Set higher Maximum runtime and control convergence. Then, when you decide it reached expected level simply stop the run.

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Hey guys and hi @nikuradse ,

did you solve your problem so far? Just came home so I could not answer as fast as always :smile:

Cheers mate!

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Hi there, thank you for very nice tutorial so far

After uploading homework to the site I did not receive any receipts or confirmations. I guess it currently is supposed to be so, but I suggest that the site would create an autogenerated mail or something like that. I mean, just to make sure that the homework has been received


Hey there @jousefm

Nope, I checked the boundary conditions as well as the whole thing. Corrected the third decimal in the rotation center wich appears on one screencap but not on the text, and still the same results.

I think that I looked at this for too long and I can’t see the forest for the trees, so I hope the rest of the homework are okey.

Thanks for the help anyway!


we just implemented a confirmation email :smile:

