External Flow Volume Problem


I am trying to prepare this geometry for simulation. I need the flow region under the inlet perforated plates but its not working…

this is what I need:

can you see the plate is called flow region.

On my model I get this:

In my model its called face21@part 9.

I need it to be called flow region so I can define it in the boundary conditions.

can someone please help!


Hi Steffan,

I think that the problem is because your location for the bounding box in the external flow domain does not coincide with the bottom face of the parts, thus the face is not created. Please review the coordinates and try again to create the flow region.

Also, if this parts are assigned to the ‘excluded parts’, then the faces will not be created, even if the coordinates for the bounding box are correct.


I think the geometry looks better and I managed to get the boundary conditions correct, but I still get an error.

One or more cell zones do not intersect the flow region or the intersection results in a non-solid body. Cell zones must overlap with the flow region.