Extend Runtime After Simulation Completion

How can I extend the runtime of a completed simulation that hasn’t fully converged yet? say from 1500 to 3000s,
Also a related question: how can I produce a force report on objects also after simulation completion? I forgot one item in the result control setup.

Hi @Naly,

in Simulation Control, increase the number in the field End time value [s] and if necessary increase the Maximum runtime [s].

You need to define the Result Control Items \underline{\text{prior}} to the simulation.

Hope I could help here.



Thanks for your quick reply.
If I increase the simulation run time and start, wouldn’t that reset the entire simulation? What I meant to ask was is there a way to continue the simulation for an extended 1500s?
As for the forces plot, do you happen to know if that’s doable on paraview?

Hi @Naly,

Yes it would but that is inevitable. You would have to restart the simulation.

And in general:
In case you already ran the simulation and have not assigned the Result control item, you can also compute some data within Paraview.

As an inspiration, please have a look at this blog post:




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Thanks for your help :smiley: