Error while trying to run a dynamic analysis

Hi everyone, I’ve been trying to run a landing simulation (dynamic analysis) on a semimonocoque fuselage and I keep getting this error: “An error occurred in the resolution of the contact constraints. At least one contact definition is redundant since all its slave nodes are already constrained by other contacts or constraints.”
Now, all the contacts were detected by the software (Automatic contact detection) and I did try to reduce the number of slave/master assignments of some contacts, but then the simulation failed because it was insufficiently constrained.
Here is a link to the project:
I’d be happy to receive any suggestion!

Hi again Dani!

This error can be solved by switching the assigments of the physical contact. Use the highlighted button to achieve this:


Hi, thank you for your replies at my questions! While the first one was just something I was unsure of, the second issue was a real nightmare for me. Fortunately, it finally worked out, after switching the master and slave assignments for the physical contact(as you instructed me) and deleting some of the contacts defined in the geometry. Thank you again for your support!

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Best regards,
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