Error on compute instances (CFD)

There were no compute instances available that matched the requested capacity. Please try again in a few minutes.

Above is the error message that I have encountered when trying to start my simulation run. What is the cause for this error and how do I fix this?

Hi there, in that case, please try to rerun the case after some time. :slight_smile:

Best regards,

I would like to know if there is a forecast to solve the problem of lack of computational capacity or will they keep asking us to access it later? This issue affects the community for several days.

I am also facing the same problem of , Error on compute instances, it will be helpful if there is a solution.

What are we going to do in SIMSCALE if we can no longer run any simulations? Maybe we should follow the support team’s advice and leave SIMSCALE for later.

Hi again, this error indicates that the mesh is currently too fine to be created with the Community Account. Apologies for the confusion, the solution here would be to select a more coarse configuration. I hope this helps.

Best regards,

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Hey. I am getting the same error again. This means that the mesh is to good for the comunity account?

Thanks for the help!