Enclosure Error?

I had to import a deformed geometry into simscale and run an incompressible CFD sim in simscale. I tried really hard to clean up my geometry and still there seems to an error which i can’t and even simscale can’t figure out :frowning:
Please can someone help?
Thanking you.

project link : https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=4111699939569768287&mi=operation%3A10%2Cgeometry%3A4&mt=GEOMETRY_OPERATION


In short, there are a number of small gaps preventing the operation from completing.

I’d recommend that you try to combine all parts together before importing to SimScale (your software will likely complain about issues) - then it’s just a matter of cleaning the gaps up. For example, below you can see Onshape complaining about gaps between the outer face of this “wheel” and the "spokes’ (assuming that it’s a wheel):

Again, with appropriate clean up, it should be possible to generate a flow region without issues.
