Enclosure Error

During making Enclosure, an error occurred.

‘An unexpected error occurred. Please contact support for assistance’

i don’t know how control it. Need help

Hi there, If I understand correctly, you deleted the 4 sheet faces in CAD mode and then proceeded to create the Enclosure, right?

yes, exactly.

I deleted sheets in cad mode. And then trying to create Enclosure.

I see that the original model is an STL file, so is it possible that you export it to STEP or Parasolid instead, and then try to create an Enclosure please? STL do not work well with this type of analysis :slight_smile:

Best regards,

I can make Enclosure perfectly by exporting to parasolid!! thx​:+1::+1:

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A post was split to a new topic: Enclosure can not be generated for F1 vehicle