Download point data

I know I can download a .csv file for point data by clicking on the context menu top right on the point data display, but the only gets the data for 1 point (over time).

But how do I get the data for multiple points tabulated in the same spreadsheet?

Hey Irving,

As currently it is not possible to add multiple points to a result control item, then it is therefore not possible to get all the data on one download.

You will have to resort to create result control items for each point, download them separately and join locally.

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Thanks, I kind of thought that would be the answer - tricky when you have several tens or even 100s of points…

Trying to wean a colleague off ComSol & that’s a showstopper :frowning:

Hello! Have there been any updates to this? We would also like to get the data for multiple points tabulated in the same spreadsheet. Thanks!

Hi there!

This feature is still not part of SimScale.

I invite you to check our feature roadmap and even include your feedback in the following page: