Door Hinge Pin - Structural Analysis

Dear SimScalers,

in this weeks spotlight we will have a look at a FEA simulation of a door hinge pin by our user @brdelatti.


This project was created to demonstrate an overpull simulation of an automotive Hinge, like the ones used in car doors. @brdelatti applied an overpull angular displacement on the hinges.


Format: STEP

The CAD model was downloaded from GrabCAD member Karem El Shemy.

The geometry was a bit simplified and then uploaded to the SimScale platorm.


Type: Tet-Dominant Mesh

The geometry was meshed using parametrized tetrahedralization.

The mesh is shown below:

Nodes: 44863
1D elements (edges): 3869
2D elements (faces): 44930
3D elements (volumes): 195757


Type: Static Analysis - Advanced

Simulations Details

Four contacts were created. 3 of them as sliding contacts and the other one as bonded contact, since the Pin was considered bonded to the bigger hinge, the one which does not rotate.

It was used the plastic curve of the thyssenkrupp MHZ340 steel.

The bigger hinge was constrained as fixed support on its holes inside surfaces.

The Pin was constrained as a deformable remote displacement.

And the smaller hinge also as a deformable remote displacement but with a prescribed function considering a rotation of 2 Degrees on the z-axis regarding the axis of the pin.


Machine cores: 16
Run time [min]: 19


Equation solver: MUMPS


Von Mises stress

Von Mises stress


As we can see, the plastic strain has occured since the yield strenght (344MPa) was exceeded. Even the 2 Degree forced rotation condition is too much for this case. The leads to the conclusion that the model has to be optimized!

SimScale project:

To look at the simulation setup, please have a look at the project from @brdelatti :

Door Hinge Pin - Structural Analysis

To copy this project into your workspace, simply follow the instruction given in the picture below.

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