Does Simscale account for shockwave aerodynamics?

Hi, I was wondering if simscale can simulate shockwaves in incompressible fluid flow?
thank you,
Frank Lucci


Incompressible solvers do not account for shock waves. On a side note though, in what scenario would you expect shock waves for an incompressible simulation (i.e. velocities < 0.3 Mach)?

Shock waves typically occur in transonic cases, which require special compressible/transonic solvers.


sorry about that I mean to say compressible does it solve for shockwaves in compressible flow?

No problem!

The current implementation of the compressible solver does not have transonic capabilities, so no shock waves.

There will likely be a transonic solver in the future though - make sure to post any feedback/suggestions that you have have in our public roadmap page. This is helps a lot to prepare our roadmap, thanks!
