Disable PRO requirement for mesh?

I’ve tried setting the fineness as low as it goes, removed ALL refinements, tried manual and automatic sizing, but nothing I try changes the hardwired requirement to use 16 processors, which requires a PRO account.

As originally automatically created, the mesh was happy with non-PRO settings, but produces bad results; I tried increasing the fineness of the mesh as advised and now, it appears the only option to continue running the extremely simple simulation is an upgrade I cannot afford?

Hey Buk,

There were some recent changes in the community plan policies, and that might be the reason for your issue.

If you send me the URL to your project, and also a description of what you are trying to achieve, I will try and give some suggestions to help move forward with your project.

The model simply explores the displacements caused by the weight of ‘water’ in a tank. It is set up to be as symmetrical as possible, and with gravity acting through the CoG.

The simulation ran using the default mesh settings, but the displacements were oddly asymmetrical (see earlier question). The advice was to increase the fineness of the mesh, which I did, but then the model would not run as it required Pro level resources (16cpus).

So then I tried to reset the mesh back to default, but the 16cpus requirement seems to be fixed and unchangable.

Thanks for the explanation and the link.

My advise here would be to try and reduce the model size as much as possible. Here are some suggestions:

  • Remove the supporting structure. Only leave the reinforcement pads, and apply fixed supports to the welding with the support.
  • Fully leverage the symmetry. I think you could simulate 1/4 of the tank.
  • For the mesh, use a manual meshing with minimum size equal to 4 times the thickness and 2nd order elements. This should give you a good starting point for a convergence analysis.
  • Remove the water model and replace with a hydrostatic pressure load. Details here.

These changes should give you a decent model that would work on the community account.

Please follow up with your results!