CHT imprint

The Following system is a simplified cooling system for data centers and it has a number of heat conductors on plates that are filled with water.
The area that the pipes are trimmed is a tank containing the cooled water and the little tubes on the surfaces are heat conductors, removing the heat from the racks and introducing it to the system.

I am quite new to SIMSCALE and I can’t figure out what the problem is with imprinting the geometry. It would be very helpful if someone gives me an idea on what I should do.

Hi @sghaemi,

I am not an expert on this feature but I see a 3.4mm gap between the tank and the little tubes. I think these may need to be touching for the imprint to work.

Good Luck,


Thank you!! I guess my CAD software was not showing the gaps!

Thank You! I guess my CAD software was not showing the gaps!