Cannot select conjugate Heat transfer

Hello and sorry for my question to a very basic problem, but i cannot see what i am doing wrong.

I want to creata a conjugate heat transfer simulation and for this, i created a flow region and an imprint. i tried different flow regions and w/o imprint and i also checked the tutorial with a vessel and checked the geometry infos, but i cannot get the conjugate heat transfer to be selectable.

This is my project:SimScale

Initally i just tried the inner cooland flow (i know it is crap, i will redesign the path) and know i want to check how the heat transfer to the outer solid surface is, where some battery cells will be.
I importet two solids, one solid plate and one flow region. then i substracted the flow region from the solid and afterwards i have definite the open inner region. W/o Imprint.

If i do the same for the tutorial, i can procede the conjugate heat transfer simulation.

If you could guide me to my mistake, i would appreciate it, thank you.

Hi there, this is Fillia, thank you for using the forum!

I opened the project and I can see that you have successfully managed to create your geometry operations and create a run, so I assume the issue is resolved? :smiley:

Best regards,

Hello Fillia,
I cleaned up the mess in my project, the simulation i already have inside this project is just an incompressible CFD simulation for only the coolant flow path.

Regarding the conjugate Heat transfer i did the following:

  • imported geometry “batterycooler”
  • edited the geometry by substracting the flow channel from the heat block
  • renamed the new geometry to “Conjugate Heat Preprocessing”
  • created an open inner region with the same steps as in the tuturial U shape heat exchanger (two boundary faces, one seed face)
  • created an imprint (also testet is without)

I still cannot select conjugate heat transfer and i am not sure why.

Are there checks i can run on my geometry? I assume there is the problem.

I checked the event log in the open inner region and also the geometry info, for me the Tutorial U type Heat Exchanger operations and my operations look the same.

I am sure it is a very basic problem but i cannot see it.

Hi again, you did a nice job with the geometry operations, this is just a platform issue. I reported this to my team, and will let you know as soon as I have news :slight_smile:

Hi, ok, thanks

Hi again, the issue here is that the model is faceted, it will probably work if you revise your model and upload a non facet version :slight_smile:

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Hi, what do you mean by faceted? I will check my model again, how can i see if my geometry is faceted? As far is a could see wirh the geometry info, all seemed good.

Will check and come back


i made one single solid in my CAD programm und uploaded it as a stl file. This did not help as you suggested. So i exported into step file format. Simscale made me know that other formats would be better, but i proceeded and after i created an open inner region i could select conjugate heat transfer . I also tested IPT format as i can export my CAD in that file format and Simscale is supporting it, this seems to be my furture way to do it.

Thank you, did not think about the file format.

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