Boundary conditions

This is a thermal comfort related project that I’m working on. This arrangement has been made to ensure that displacement ventilation occurs in the room. Can you please help by confirming whether the boundary conditions that I’ve chosen are suitable or not?
There will be a diffuser unit which is connected to inlets (DI) in the room and DO stands for outlets.
Also, for good thermal comfort, should the air flow rate coming out of an inlet be less or more?

Thank you!

Hi there! Why are you using custom boundary condition for the outlet instead of a pressure or velocity outlet? :slight_smile:
Best regards,

I am not really sure whether we can control the outgoing velocity of air from a room. That’s why, didn’t choose velocity outlet condition

What about a pressure outlet with a gauge pressure value of 0 Pa?

Okay, I’ll try again using this condition for the outlets.

Is the inlet condition fine?
Also, please answer that flow rate question.