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simscale simulation

Cloud-Native Simulation for Automotive Suppliers & OEMs

SimScale enables automotive engineering organizations to simulate earlier, broader, and faster and thereby deliver better designs earlier while improving engineering efficiency.

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Increase engineering innovation with next-generation simulation

decrease simulation lead time

Decrease simulation lead time

Cloud-native simulation’s HPC elasticity allows unlimited simulation sizes and simultaneous runs without the need to manage a data center. More simulations, faster, leads to compressed cycle times and faster innovation.

simulate early and broad

Simulate early & broad — not siloed

Cloud technology provides decentralized simulation use while maintaining central quality control. For the first time, users have safe and robust access to simulation.

unlock next-generation engineering techniques

Unlock next-generation engineering techniques

Generative, optimization, or AI workflows do not work with legacy desktop data silos. Cloud-native simulation persists data in a way immediately accessible for AI, generative, or optimization workflows.

Navigate rapid changes, ensure reliability, and streamline cost-effective design and production processes

  • Rapid Changes in OEM Requirements: Adapt swiftly to the ever-changing requirements and specifications imposed by OEMs.
  • Ensuring Product Reliability and Safety: SimScale ensures the reliability and safety of your products, meeting the high standards of the automotive industry.
  • Cost-Effective Design and Production Processes: Streamline your design and production processes, ensuring cost-effectiveness without compromising quality.
  • Compliance with Industry Regulations: SimScale helps you stay compliant with industry regulations and standards, giving you peace of mind.
car simulation via web browser
engineering simulation for automotive industry

Adhere to quality standards, collaborate effectively, and innovate under cost pressures

  • Adherence to Stringent Quality Standards: SimScale supports your commitment to quality standards demanded by OEMs.
  • Collaboration Challenges: Overcome collaboration challenges with OEMs and suppliers with SimScale’s real-time collaboration features.
  • Cost Pressures and Innovation: Innovate within cost constraints, meeting the demands of the industry while maintaining efficiency.
  • Streamlining Manufacturing Processes: SimScale assists in streamlining your manufacturing processes, ensuring optimal efficiency.

Meet the challenge of fuel efficiency, accelerated development, and advanced technologies head-on

  • Fuel Efficiency and Emission Reduction: Innovate faster to meet the increasing pressure for fuel efficiency and emission reduction head-on.
  • Accelerated Product Development: SimScale accelerates your product development cycles, keeping you ahead in the fast-paced automotive industry.
  • Integration of Advanced Technologies: Seamlessly integrate advanced technologies like electric vehicles and autonomous driving with confidence.
  • Optimization of Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management: Optimize aerodynamics and thermal management effortlessly with SimScale’s cloud-native simulation.

Customer ROI

SimScale customers are shipping better products faster while reducing R&D costs

Whitepaper: Real-Time Automotive Design & Simulation in the Cloud

Learn more about how you can optimize your automotive design process with SimScale and get industry insights for free.

real time automotive design & simulation in the cloud whitepaper

“Now we can innovate and test all the core functionalities (thermal, structural, and electrical) of the new high-voltage battery connector. We could not have developed this new product so fast without SimScale.”

Vincent Lin High Voltage Electrical Interconnect Engineer

araymond logo

“Using SimScale in the early R&D stages of the product, we were able to fully leverage simulation capabilities into our product design process.”

Antonio Radenić electric vehicle webinar

Antonio Radenić Battery System Engineer

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“The key advantage of using SimScale for us is to extract fast design insights at the early stages. We can then arrive at a final design faster and have more confidence when moving to the physical prototyping stage.”

massimo savi

Massimo Savi Mechanical Engineer

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Learn more about increasing automotive engineering innovation and efficiency with cloud-native simulation