Reducing Non-Orthogonality through CAD & Mesh settings with help from the Mesh Quality Feature

Based on the findings with the mesh quality feature, I have done a quick test to see how changes in CAD geometry and Mesh settings affect the total Non-orthogonal cell count.


@DaleKramer @Ricardopg
Below is the full list of settings i used for the half car sim. I will track changes of the settings and also add pics of the solutions field results for each test.

Project LINK : HERE

Baseline test run from RH.31.15_Y.0.003_R.0_P.0_SA.0_S.16.5

Finished | 11.1M cells, 13.1M nodes

Mesh Half car and Wheel test 6 settings Wheel test 6.1 settings
Bounding box resolution X 28
Y 7
Z 7
Castellated Mesh Controls Max local cells 4e+7
Max global cells 1e+8
Min Cell refinement 5
Max load unbalance 0.2
Cells between levels 1 2
Resolve feature angle 30
Snap Controls Mesh to geometry conformation 7 10
Tolerance 2
Solver Iterations 300
Relax iterations 8
Max mex confirmation iteration 10
Implicit feature snap ON
Explicit feature snap OFF
Detect features between multiple surfaces ON
Layer adding Controls Layer size OFF
Max cancelled layers near sharp features 0
Feature angle 180
Slip feature angle 75
Relax iterations 8
Surface normals max smoothing iterations 2
Internal mesh max smoothing iterations 5
Max face thickness ratio 0.5
Max thickness to medial ratio 0.3
Min median axis angle 90
Buffer cells between refinement levels 0
Layer addition max iterations 50
Max iterations with strict quality controls 20
Mesh quality controls Max non orthogonality 75 deg 65
Max boundary skewness 20
Max internal skewness 4
Max concaveness 80
Min volume -1e+30 -1e+13
Min tet quality -1e+30
Min face area -1
Min face twist 0.01
Min determinat 0.001
Min face weight 0.02
Min volume ratio 0.01
Min triangle twist -1
Error distribution iterations 4
Error reduction 0.75
Relaxed max non orthogonality 75 deg 70
Merge tolerance 1e-6
Results Total Illegal faces 30
Lower is better Volume Ratio 127.3
Should be Less than 150 Max Aspect Ratio ?
non-orthogonality > 75 degrees 16
faces with concavity > 80 degrees 0
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) 3
faces with interpolation weights (0.1) < 0.02 1
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 1
faces with face twist < 0.01 9
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 0
Time to Mesh 4026s

Based off this information it seems that i need to reduce the Non-orthogonality to below 70°

Research has also alerted me to best practices for a healthy mesh as said here

  • high aspect ratio cells usually appear in very fine boundary layers. It is not fatal for the solver stability, but can significantly decrease convergence speed.
  • non-orthogonality (nO) is a very important parameter, we can define three ranges of its values:
    • nO < 70 - safe values
    • 70 < nO < 90 - require special treatment of , e.g., nonOrthoCorrectors in fvSolution or numerical schemes in fvSchemes
    • nO > 9O - bad mesh, which can not be used for simulation
  • skewness - higher values may impair quality (accuracy) of the results, anyway any reasonably high value (<20) of skewness parameter can be used for simulation


Wheel test 6

  • Mesh settings from Half car sim

  • Only level 4 active tunnel

Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 75 degrees : 5
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 0
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0…1) < 0.02 : 0
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 1
faces with face twist < 0.01 : 1
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 0


min: 1.0000000000444333
max: 111.13924675573229

While there are only 5 non-orthogonal cells in this run, the Max Non-ortho was set to 75° which falls in the “not-so-good” zone of cells. The plan is to use the mesh quality feature to see where cells have Non-ortho over the 70° value, and concentrate in fixing these areas.

It seems that the Bounding box layer addition (BL on floor) is terminating when the cells become coarse towards the bounding box cell sizes. These cells here are the very ends of the Boundary layer connecting to the floor. I do not know how to fix this. I am not sure why the BBLA is deleting layers here.

NOTE test mesh 6.1 and 6.2 are both used with the Wheel test 6.1 geometry similar setup is also done in test 7 & 8

Wheel test 6.1

New mesh settings used

  • Cells between levels - 2
  • Max non-orthogonality - 65
  • Level 5 active tunnel used to increase cell fineness.

Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 65 degrees : 2050
faces with face pyramid volume < 1e-13 : 0
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 0
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0…1) < 0.02 : 41
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 0
faces with face twist < 0.01 : 1
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 3


min: 1.0000000000168079
max: 258.62928332572926

The large increase in Non-ortho cells is due to changing the MAX non-ortho value to 65.

The increased level region refinement seems to have moved the Bounding box layer addition termination area to make this shape. It seems cell size does help but i think the layer adding settings could be the culprit.

Cells seem to be bad on the wheels inner hub and where the wheel meets the tire. CAD geometry changes might help this.

Wheel test 6.2

  • Tolerance increased to 3

Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 65 degrees : 2051
faces with face pyramid volume < 1e-13 : 0
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 0
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0…1) < 0.02 : 41
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 0
faces with face twist < 0.01 : 2
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 3

The only change to this test run was increasing the tolerance to 3. I was hoping that the extra allowable snapping length would make the cells conform better to the geometry. This turned out to do very little. Below also shows the dark blue cells with a Non.ortho of 65, which are still acceptable.

Wheel test 7 - Geometry change - hub simplification

  • Tolerance back to 2
  • Median axis angle 80
  • Max Non orthogonality 70
    • Relaxed 75
  • Bounding box layer addition min thickness reduced to 1e-6

Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 70 degrees : 423
faces with face pyramid volume < 1e-13 : 0
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 2
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0…1) < 0.02 : 41
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 2
faces with face twist < 0.01 : 2
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 0


min: 1.0000000000069633
max: 170.08380841806402

Wheel test 7 had some minor changes to the CAD geometry. By cleaning up the inner hub of the wheel, we can see the difference in Non-ortho faces in this area with the following comparison

Wheel test 6 geometry - more complex hub (red) with spoke intersection (blue)

Wheel test 7 with simplified hub geometry

Non-ortho cells show concentration at the spoke to wheel interface but not at hub

Looking at the actual mesh, it can be seen that the small step where the spokes meet the wheel is causing the problems (1). This is a geometry that should be changed to a simpler form in order to get a better mesh. However the hub mesh is very clean even and is the better meshing option even though the wheel now does not follow the real world geometry. (2)

Wheel test 7.1

  • Explicit feature snap

Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 70 degrees : 381 423
faces with face pyramid volume < 1e-13 : 0
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 1 2
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0…1) < 0.02 : 41
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 0 2
faces with face twist < 0.01 : 0 2
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 0


min: 1.0000000000069633
max: 171.54233283960056

The only change for mesh 7.1 was the use of Explicit snapping as opposed to implicit. Just this one change reduced the Non-ortho cells from 423 in Test 7 to 381. Other meshing improvements also occurred:

  • Faces with concavity were reduced by 1
  • Volume ratio of neighbor cells reduced to 0
  • Faces with twist reduced to 0

Test 7.1

Wheel test 8 - geometry change - spokes to wheel intersection

  • Returned to Implicit feature snap
  • Retuned medial axis angle to 90°

Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 70 degrees : 384
faces with face pyramid volume < 1e-13 : 0
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 0
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0…1) < 0.02 : 0
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 1
faces with face twist < 0.01 : 1
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 0


min: 1.0000000000021594
max: 107.21199797538466

The meshing log data shows slightly more Non-ortho cells however Interpolation weights are not at 0. The Volume ratio has also dropped from 171 to 107.

In wheel test 8 I fixed the step at the spokes. The geometry shows a line where the step used to be at the intersection of spokes to the wheel, but the red highlight confirms this is all one flat surface.

The mesh now seems much cleaner in this area.

In order to attempt and fix the Non-orthogonal cells at the floor caused by the bounding box layer addition cell termination, i have changed my level 5 region refinement to a flat plate, extending over the entire floor of the bounding box.

For some reason the mesh didnt like my region refinement. The thin, level 5 area doesnt even show up. Now im thinking that level 5 cells are too big for a 0.2m thick region refinement.


I did the calculation quickly and with a 1m level 0 cell size, a level 5 would be 0.3125m which confirms my mistake. Level 6 would bring the cells to 0.015625m which would work or conversely, I could increase the level 5 region refinement to 0.03125 meters - the better option for me i think.

The amount of Non-ortho cells has definitely been reduced. I still need to fix the floor region refinement but that comes in test 8.1. I have also noticed that some of the Non-ortho cells have to do with geometry - what i have fixed so far, but others have to do with the cells outside of the geometry - layer addition and snapping processes. These are much harder to change, especially when I am tied to specific boundary layer requirements or total cell count limitations. In the end I may have to accept a certain amount of Non-ortho cells.

Wheel test 8.1

  • Testing Explicit feature snap
  • Correct lvl 5 region refinement height

Checking faces in error :
non-orthogonality > 70 degrees : 348
faces with face pyramid volume < 1e-13 : 0
faces with concavity > 80 degrees : 3
faces with skewness > 4 (internal) or 20 (boundary) : 0
faces with interpolation weights (0…1) < 0.02 : 94
faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < 0.01 : 0
faces with face twist < 0.01 : 2
faces on cells with determinant < 0.001 : 23


min: 1
max: 364.2708799626919

Now that the correct region refinement size is made the area showed up.

From the side view I now have the bounding box layer addition cells. However, for some reason the region did not mesh over the whole floor even though I set this level 5 region refinement for the exact size of the Bounding box floor. Shown below is the end of this region refinement with level 5 and 4 cells, also with the bounding box layer addition cell that terminates into the ground.

The wheel looks fairly similar with the Explicit feature snapping on. No significant improvement

And where the Bounding box layer addition terminates we have the same problem.

As of now, wheel test 8 had the best results in terms of illegal cells. If I increase the Max allowable Non-orthogonality to 75 then im sure the illegal cell count will drop. This however does not mean the cells are gone, just that the cells between 70 and 75 are now allowed. I do not know how many cells will be “illegal” if I drop the half car simulation down to 70 as well. I also dont know how many cells over 70° will cause problems.

As always simulation is a compromise between many areas. My biggest problem is staying around the 10-11 million total cell count for the half car so that i wont have memory problems with the full car sims. This affects the refinement level of surface and region refinements I can apply. If the refinements are not good enough, the geometry will not be perfectly represented, and the snapping and layering processes will suffer resulting in my situation of illegal cells.

This balance is hard to achieve. My goal here is to get to 95% quality so that the results are somewhat reliable. Any feedback from the experienced users would be extremely helpful so that I can be confident moving forward with “X” amount of illegal cells.

Sorry for the long post haha


Nice one Dan!

I really have to put some of this stuff into LaTeX at some point and make a nice PDF out of it with annotations. Are you by the way done with your y+ investigations? I remember this super long thread with @DaleKramer and @Retsam.

Cheers and enjoy your weekend!


Continuing with testing the wheel geometry, I performed quite a few meshes, all with different settings and changes to attempt and lower the Non-orthogonality cell count. I will not go through every change because then this will be a 20 page long post. Instead I will summarize the trends to quickly show where improvements were made.

The largest improvement in reducing Non-Orthogonality came from GEOMETRY changes.

Since the HEX method creates a field of cubic cells, skewing and moving of the cubic cell nodes must be done to snap to the topology. Doing so creates warped cells which are named as Non-Orthogonal by the mesh quality settings. This is shown in my geometry changes in Wheel test 7 and 8

I have done a series of tests to try and improve the way snapping occurs. My goal was to change which cells are snapped and to reduce the skewness when they are moved. This was somewhat effective as reduction in total Non-Orthogonality was found as shown in the results below:

The main changes in Mesh settings I have tried. BOLD settings showed improvements in total Non-Orthogonality settings.

Change Made Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3
Min Cell refinement 5 1
Cells between levels 1 2
Resolve feature angle 10 30
Tolerance 2 3 1
Implicit feature snap ON OFF
Explicit feature snap OFF ON
Feature angle 180 150
Slip feature angle 30 75 120
Max face thickness ratio 0.5 0.8 1.2
Max thickness to medial ratio 0.3 0.5
Min median axis angle 90 80
Buffer cells between refinement levels 0 1
Max non orthogonality 70 deg
Feature refinement Inclusion angle 150 180

These tests were performed from Wheel test 8.3 until 8.11. The lowest achieved Non-orthogonality cell count was with test 8.5 which had 15 cells over 70°. However, when inspecting the mesh using the mesh quality feature, the result showed many more than 15. I am not sure why this happened. I also took a cutting plane of the mesh 0.15m from the floor to see how the layers are being added. Shown below is evidence of the Non-orthogonal cells occurring where the spokes meet the wheel and where the wheel meets the tire shown in red. This is also where the Boundary layer cells are terminating for some reason.

With this result came Wheel test 9, where a slight change in the tire geometry was made and reduced the visual amount of Non-Orthogonal cells in this area, even though the cell count in the log was at 61 illegal cells. In red shows the area where the Boundary layer cells are no longer terminated. This is because the cell was moved to a better snapping location that allowed Layer addition to occur.

Bounding box layer addition (BBLA):

I believe that the problem with these layers terminating is due to the face or volume aspect ratio quality check. My settings for the BBLA are one layer at 0.0034m thick. This layer is attempting to be added adjacent to my level 0 bounding box cell size, which is 1m. This large volume and face difference could be causing the problem. Shown below is when the BBLA terminates as the cell Level decreases moving away from the wheel.

Shown here is the addition of a level 5 region refinement box,which allowed the BBLA to terminate at another position within the region.

When attempting to create a region refinement across the entire Zmin of the bounding box the BBLA terminated again towards the edge of the refined zone. I am not sure why the region refinement didnt extend the whole way through the bounding box.

With these results I have determined that the Non-orthogonal cells created at the floor will not drastically affect the results of the simulation. Making a region refinement that is far enough away from the car will allow time for accurate results when the algorithm calculates over the good cells as shown below.

I feel fine using these results even though there are still Illegal cells. As long as there are not any Extreme cases of Non-Orthogonality (over 85°) then I hope there will be no problems with the simulation ending without error. Also the potential inaccuracies in these cells is allowable because this is a complex geometry and the main goal is to measure the effects from the wings.

I will post more on other areas i have improved soon.