Incompressible flow in a wind tunnel


I’d like to know what would be the most accurate method to measure lift and drag in a wind tunnel simulation and what would be the best turbulence model to select from.


Hi @M_sim,

For wind tunnel simulations, k-omega SST is more accurate because it will solve the outer and inner layers of your mesh. (If it is also a question, yes you can use the incompressible approach as well).

To obtain lift and drag forces, THIS post can helps you.

EDIT: Just a picture that can helps you to memorize the turbulence model:




Hi @vgon_alves,

I’m still unsure how to setup the lift and drag for my model. I do not know what to make of the results I’m getting either.


Hi @M_sim,

Sorry for the delay,
You can see the lift and drag forces adding a monitor to do that. How to add this monitor is simple. Result Control > Forces and Moments Coefficients. In Lift direction you must to set with “1” the coordinate that lift is acting. In Drag direction you must to set with “1” the direction/coordinate that drag is acting. Please remember to set “-1” if your direction is the opposite of direction. You must to set the Free Stream velocity with the same velocity value that you setted in the inlet boundary condition. The refference area value regards to your CAD model.

Please, let me know if this helps you.



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Hi @vgon_alves ,

Is there a way to get just the lift force and not the coefficients, same for drag as well?


Yes, just use ‘Forces and Moments’ Results vs ‘Force and Moment Coefficients’ Results. I use both :slight_smile: