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Natural Ventilation in an English Cottage for Summer and Winter Conditions

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Natural Ventilation in an English Cottage for Summer and Winter Conditions image
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geometries 2 Geometriesmeshes 1 Meshsimulations 2 Simulation setupsruns 2 Results

About this project

Stack effect (or chimney effect) describes the specific behavior of airflow that occurs due to a difference in indoor-to-outdoor temperature and air density. This phenomenon is best visualized through containers that facilitate this movement, such as chimneys or flue-gas stacks. Understanding stack effect is extremely important for building design, as it creates natural ventilation and air infiltration. As the name might suggest, chimney effect can also aid fireplace plumes and direct smoke propagation, therefore it is crucial to evaluate your design's ventilation systems in the early planning stage.


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Project History

  • jvilar

    jvilar created this project