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UNFINISHED-8m Airship envelope

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UNFINISHED-8m Airship envelope image
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DaleKramerlikes 0

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geometries 1 Geometrymeshes 1 Meshsimulations 1 Simulation setupruns 1 Result

About this project

Trying to apply some FEA methods to an airship envelope. This envelope is symmetrical front to back so I have only drawn the front half of the envelope and will use a symmetry plane. The envelope is made out of 76 micron PET plastic film. I would like to analyse envelope shape and stresses with 3.5x10-4 MPa gauge pressure inside it using air, helium and hydrogen as the internal gas (air at STP will be the gas outside the envelope). I am hoping that there will be a way to account for the shape and stresses in the fabric that takes into account even the weight of the fabric itself.

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Project History

  • DaleKramer

    DaleKramer created this project