Velocity field started diverging

I update meshing but solver always stop after half run. event log reflects “Velocity field started diverging. Please check the mesh quality near the reported location and try refining the mesh.” How to track exact location in mesh which creates a problem?

can someone help me with this? as I’m new at simscale and it seems so difficult to deal with any error.


As far as the error message goes, there is a knowledge base article that talks specifically about this error. Make sure to have a look for additional insights.

Some quick notes regarding your particular case:

  • The problem is likely related to these cells with high non-orthogonality (see the steps to obtain this image here):

Generally speaking, since you are already defining the velocity at the inlets, I’d suggest that you remove the fans from the geometry:

This should improve the mesh quality quite reasonably. In any case, always keep an eye for the non-orthogonality. If it goes too high, the convective heat transfer analysis are likely going to fail.
