Setting up an AMI on a imported mesh


I want to simulate a Wind Turbine Rotor in Simscale but I am creating the mesh in Ansys because is easier for me in the creation of structured and unstructured blocks of the mesh domain. I almost have the mesh I want but first I want to test a simple mesh consisting of two cylinders, so I created them, converted them using OpenFoam and uploaded. The mesh consist of two regions, the first is a big cylinder which is the whole domain with a cavity where is located the second region. The last one is set up as an AMI but when I want to run the simulation, there is an error message telling I should specify a material for this region (the AMI), so I change the material settings to include both regions and now the error message tells me that only 1 region can be assigned to a material.
Is there any consideration I should take in count for setting up the case?


Hey there!

Can you please send us the project URL? This way we can have a look at your issue.


Here is the URL

HAWT Rotor4 | SimScale Workbench


Your ‘All1.1’ geometry seems the correct one for simulation.

Please refer to the following documentation for instructions on how to implement the rotating zones:

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Thanks for the links but that applies only when I do the mesh in Simscale. In my case, I uploaded the mesh in OpenFOAM format. I even generate a mesh in Simscale, downloaded it and reloaded to my case and the same error appears.
Here is the link of my project including different meshes that I tried

HAWT R6 | SimScale Workbench

We can not help you with meshes created outside of SimScale.

Please follow the documented guidelines to create the proper model and mesh.

Otherwise, make sure that the externally created mesh conforms to a proper mesh as created in the workbench.

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