Guide to High-Quality Public Simulation Projects - Search Engine Optimization

Dear SimScalers,

If you want to have more spotlight on your projects it is very important to optimize and edit your projects for search engines like Google. Below, you can find a small draft that can help you doing so.

\underline{\textbf{1. Project title}}

The title of your project is the most important SEO factor. It should contain the main keyword you’re trying to target, and should be between 40-50 characters long.

\underline{\textbf{2. Project description}}

When people are searching on Google, the only content besides the title to be displayed on the result page will be the project description. There is a limit to how much text will be displayed there (~160 characters), but the longer the project description, the better.

Just write whatever you think gives a good overview of the project, and might be interesting to a new visitor.

\underline{\textbf{3. Comments}}

Historically, the best-performing public projects are the ones which are most engaging and keep users on the page.

That means:

  • Add screenshots of your process/results to the page (via commenting)
  • Write in more detail about your findings
  • Reply to other users’ comments and answer questions

The goal here is simple: The more, the better

\underline{\textbf{4. Tags}}

We just added the feature to add tags to your project. Use it!

Tags are an easy way to establish new keywords for establish new relevant keywords within the simulation community. Make sure to tag your project with your main, as well as up to 10 secondary keywords.

\underline{\textbf{5. Screenshots & 3D viewer content}}

An easy way to make a project page more engaging is to make screenshots from within the post-processor. Those will be displayed in the community viewer along with your CAD models, meshes, and 3D post-processing state.

And don’t forget to give your screenshot a descriptive image title. The title helps Google to interpret the content of the image.


Happy SimScaling!



6 posts were split to a new topic: Dashboard - Adding Pictures to your Project