:) FEA Simulation runs fail with no Error description and no Solver Logs

Power users or anyone else, please…

Can someone tell me why these two FEA simulation runs fail without error descriptions or Solver Logs:

  1. https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=1700956790399184953&mi=run%3A9%2Csimulation%3A2&mt=SIMULATION_RUN
  2. https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=1700956790399184953&mi=run%3A3%2Csimulation%3A4&mt=SIMULATION_RUN

In both cases I was investigating how mesh fineness affects the deflections and the resulting gap between the thick plates at their corners (in a 1st and 2nd order mesh).

Coarse meshes finish simulations for both 1st and 2nd order meshes.


@DaleKramer: from simulation point of view (not mine, as I do not know anything about FEA) I will beg for more processors. You have > 7 M cells and try simulation on 4 processors…




Can you see how to ask for more processors, I did not see an obvious way :frowning:

Oops, yes it is there, not sure why I missed that earlier :wink: WOW , oh well brain fart … running now at 8

@jousefm, I’ve lost my ‘Mark as answer’ icon again :tired_face:

Hi Dale!

Solved! :wink: Problem is that you have to apply the setting to the subsections separately which is daunting but works like a charm now. Let me know if you need any further assistance with your case.



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