Draught Risk

I use simscale to study the thermal comfort of an openspace office. I know how to display PMV and PPD in simscale. Is it also possible to display the draught risk DR automatically in postprocessing?

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Hi @Patrick_Hertig!

You can use the so called Draught Rating! This paper goes into more detail on how to calculate this: https://www.irbnet.de/daten/iconda/CIB7276.pdf.

Let me know if that helped!


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Thanks for the paper! But this means that it is currently not possible to calculate DR directly in the field calculations of simscale, as it is the case with PMV and PPD? I have to download the results and do the evaluation of DR for example in Paraview? Is it planned to implement this function in simscale soon?

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Hi Patrick!

You are right, this feature would need to be implemented and is not (yet) available. If you want to push your query a little bit, you can add a new feature request here: Product Feedback - let me know if you have any further questions!


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