Determine valve closure time

On detection of high pressure setpoint exceeded, valve closure time to minimize pressure impact

Hi @orogers!

Do you have a project for this set up already? You could work with a table upload in this case for the time dependent valve pressure behavior.



Yes, I tried. How do you change from incompressible to compressible without redoing the whole simulation

Hi @orogers!

The most “efficient” way would probably be to duplicate the simulation setup from the incompressible one and then adapt everything for the compressible one, that’s the easiest way to do it (at least to my knowledge). But good that you mention it, will ask my colleagues from the product team if there’s anything planned to facilitate this even more.



Pressure Decay 2

I received this message
“maximum number of iterations exceeded when calculating temperature from a thermodynamic potential. This may be caused by low-quality mesh producing unrealistic pressure in a few cells. Inspect fields for large values in the last time step.”

How do I resolve?

Make sure to identify the cells that might trigger this message, you can either resolve this by increasing or even decreasing the mesh refinement. Maybe the @cfd_squad wants to add their two cents here.



I have adjusted the mesh refinement up and down with the same result. What am I missing? This should be simple, just a straight pressurized pipe.

Hi @orogers,

Mind sharing the project?

Will be easier to give suggestions should we have the link to the project.