Assign Solid as Axial Fan

Is it possible to assign a cylinder as an axial fan which will act like an axial fan according to a specified flow/pressure curve? Or do I need to create a rotating region and model the fan blade geometry?

Hi @pcab,

So yes you can theoretically do that but it wouldn’t accurately represent the scenario you are likely trying to replicate as the presence of the blade geometry itself will affect the rotational flow.

With regards to your fan blade input, do you mean you want to control the rotational aspect of the simulation by simply inputting a flow/pressure curve?



Thanks for the reply Barry.

I’ve worked previous with Autodesk CFD which allows you to specify a geometry to have a fan inlet, outlet, pressure/flowrate curve and also rpm. I think this is enough to fully define a fan’s properties.

This allows you to insert generic fans into a more complicated assembly without having stp files of the actual fan blades.

Does Simscale have this feature? I guess I can assign a face to have a flow rate boundary condition but can I also rotate the airflow around a point on that face?

Hi @pcab,

Unfortunately I do not think SimScale has that feature. You can post about it in the “vote for features” forum section however and people can vote for it to be implemented.

So in order to perform your simulation here I believe yes you do need the fan geometry.

You can do this, but I wouldn’t say that this accurately represents what you are trying to simulate for reasons first mentioned earlier. You can try and perform a validation study to see if results obtained are accurate (which would be very interesting).

