A setup with 128 regions is being used in a single-region analysis type. Please make sure that all regions except for one have an Advanced Concept assigned to them


I’m exporting a mesh from Rhino Grasshopper and trying to create a incompressible flow simulation but I’m encountering this error:

A setup with 128 regions is being used in a single-region analysis type. Please make sure that all regions except for one have an Advanced Concept assigned to them.

I contacted support and they told me to make sure all geometry is in one object but it is!

Here is the link:

Thanks in advance.


The geometry needs some changes before you are able to run a simulation. For a simple incompressible analysis, you need a single volume in your CAD model - this volume should be the flow region.

The actual solid parts should not be present in the geometry. If they are, you will run into multi-region errors. Currently, this is the status of your CAD model:

As you can see, a total of 61 parts are sheet bodies (non-watertight, hollow parts). These are bad for simulations and need to be repaired in your CAD software. Therefore, the necessary steps are:

  • Repair the sheet parts
  • I noticed that you already have a volume which is acting as a flow region. Therefore, you can subtract the solid volumes from the flow region by using a “Boolean”/“Combine” operation in your CAD software.

This should result in a geometry with a single volume, which can be used for an Incompressible analysis.


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