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    Error: Inconsistent Patch and PatchField Types Found


    Simulation setup error: Inconsistent patch and patchField types in mesh or boundary conditions.

    What happened?

    • The simulation setup has an error. A mismatch has been found for a ‘patch/face’ and its ‘patchField’ type. That is, the ‘patch type’ in mesh is inconsistent with ‘patchField type’ in boundary condition.

    What could be the possible reason?

    • You are attempting a mesh upload or caseUpload and the mesh ‘boundary’ file (found in : constant/polyMesh/boundary) does not have the same corresponding patch/face types as you wish to give in the boundary conditions or boundary condition files in ‘0’ (zero) folder (for Case Upload).
    • Example of an incorrect setup: a certain patch/face has a ‘patch type’ in the mesh ‘boundary’ file as symmetry and ‘patchField type’ in boundary conditions as zeroGradient.

    What can I do now?

    • To fix this, check your mesh ‘boundary’ file (found in: constant/polyMesh/boundary) and make sure that for each patch, the ‘patch type’ is consistent with the boundary conditions you are giving.
    • Example of a correct setup: a symmetry ‘patch type’ in mesh needs a symmetry ‘patchField type’ in boundary conditions.

    Important Information

    If none of the above suggestions did solve your problem, then please post the issue on our forum or contact us.


    Last updated: October 12th, 2020
